Welcome to Tribal Council
Once the votes are read, the decision is final; the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First Vote...
Lyrsa |
Lyrsa never really felt like part of the team. She was hard to talk to and didnt even show up for the first challenge. We need a strong tribe to keep our numbers and this is a good core group!
Second Vote...
Lyrsa ||
Too bad you were inactive, seemed fun
Third Vote...
Lyrsa |||
The only sad part is that you’re never around and won’t be present to see this vote live
Fourth Vote...
Lyrsa ||||
I’m sorry but you had 3 chances to make a impression in this game. 1 for missing the first coin challenge, 1 for missing yesterday’s immunity/coin challenge, and 1 for today’s tribal council. You’re the weakest link in this tribe and you’ve struck out, and that is all. In your wise one word responses all I have to say is “Goodbye”.
Fifth Vote...
Lyrsa ||||
You were better than the first Lyrsa.
Sixth Vote...
Lyrsa |||| |
She’s just completely MIA so she has to go.
Seventh Vote...
Lyrsa |||| ||
Unfortunately, we didn’t get much of a chance to connect. Nothing personal
Eighth Vote...
Lyrsa |||| |||
Sorry girl, just keeping Nyiri strong
Ninth Vote...
Lyrsa |||| ||||
:shrug: I’m sure that is a surprise.
The Final Vote is...
Lyrsa |||| ||||
The Tribe Has Spoken.