Wara Wana,
Welcome to Tribal Council
Once the votes are read, the decision is final; the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.
First Vote...

Simon |
It pains me to do this, congratulations. You played a great game.
Second Vote...

Garrick |
Simon |
“Either of you bumbling strumpets winning is anti-climatic as fuck. I flipped a coin. Congratulations.”
Third Vote...

Simon ||
Garrick |
This one’s easy The Man The Roach The Legend you deserve the win Robo Man you were a target from day one of the merge and there you sit in final 2 that’s impressive
Fourth Vote...

Garrick ||
Simon ||
I'm voting for the cockroach to keep cockroaching. Outwit, outplay, outroach.
Fifth Vote...

Garrick |||
Simon ||
Turns out this FTC did change someone's mind. And no, I'm not just doing this to be petty. Your last-minute tirade spoke to me, it really did. It showed fight, against what really, I considered to be an unjust assault. I was waiting for you to do something like this, and it never came, neither in the game, nor in FTC, until the last few moments. And it has earnt you my vote, so congratulations.
Sixth Vote...

Garrick ||||
Simon ||
Seventh Vote...

Garrick ||||
Simon ||
Enjoyed my time with you 💙
Eighth Vote...

Garrick ||||
Simon |||
"You're an amazing, ally, friend and person. I am so proud of you, dude. You deserve this so much and I love you."
Ninth Vote...

Garrick ||||
Simon ||||
You were both cockroaches that couldn't be killed, but Simon's cock was just a little bigger
Tenth Vote...

Garrick ||||
Simon ||||
Glad we're getting a Canadian winner finally. You were a threat that made it through to the end, it was a good game you played. I heard of your prowess well before we met in merge even. Still, "Simon says" is more of a trigger word now than hyperpigmentation will ever be, so thanks cunt scab.
Eleventh Vote...

Simon |||| |
Garrick ||||
thank you for those aussie survivor links, you are a true king in my heart
Twelfth Vote...

Simon |||| ||
Garrick ||||
id play an idol on you for a third time if i could. Congratulations brother
The Final Vote is...

Simon |||| ||
Garrick ||||

Congratulations! You are the winner of Stranded.