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Wara Wana,

Welcome to Tribal Council

Once the votes are read, the decision is final; the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First Vote...

Simon |

Let’s try this again.
Second Vote...

Simon ||

I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes. Love, Jordie.
Third Vote...

Simon ||
Jordie |

Well, even if this doesn't work. There's no better name to write on the way out for a great story arc conclusion.
Fourth Vote...

Jordie ||
Simon ||

I have so many things i would love to say to you but i would need a whole day for that. Have fun at the jury
Fifth Vote...

Simon |||
Jordie ||

i have to take out the biggest threat left, feras and you were amazing at the social game and challenges. i am sorry
Sixth Vote...

Simon ||||
Jordie ||

I swear to god if you say "Simon Says" once during your juror speech at FTC then I'm skipping it I don't want your vote to win
Seventh Vote...

Simon ||||
Jordie |||

I heard you liked to be humiliated for having a micropenis.
Eighth Vote...

Jordie ||||
Simon ||||

It's been a blast playing this game with you but you're too big of a threat. We've had some good times and I hope there's still more to come ❤

The Final Vote is...


Jordie ||||
Simon ||||



The Tribe Has Spoken.